
Pravda.ru: The Sickening Filth our International Community has become!

Never have I felt so revolted, disgusted, disappointed and violated at belonging to the same species as those sickening creatures crawling around our international community today. The Libya Question and the subsequent UN General Assembly in September was a study in spinelessness, lack of morals, absence of fiber and total disrespect for the law. The analogy is perfectly simple to understand. an evil neighbor covets someone's rich lands, turns his son into a drug addict, supplies him with heroin for free, and then gets him to leave the door open one night. The son trashes the house, smashing everything, breaking the furniture and setting fire to it, while the evil neighbor rapes the wife and kills the remaining three children. The evil neighbor uses his influence to bully, cajole or bribe the other members of the community to recognize his right to the house, claiming he will keep the son under control, and expects the owner to hand him the keys. The owner valiantly and courageously fights back. The other members of the community call on him to stand down and to hand over his keys. He refuses, saying the house is his, and he has the right to defend himself. The other members of the community come together and have a General Assembly at which the vast majority recognize the new ownership rights and draw up plans to recognize the evil neighbor and the drug addict as the rightful representatives of that house in the community. A small handful refuse, saying that under the law, the intruder is always an intruder, and that outside forces cannot impose ownership by force. Moral of the story: If someone breaks into your house, torches it, rapes your wife and kills your kids, you just bow down and hand him the keys. Moral 2: Arm yourself to the teeth, so that if someone breaks into your house, you have the firepower to destroy him and his property, and punish those members of the community which recognize the intruder's rights!

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