
Stephen Lendman: Obama and Netenyahu To Palestinians: Go To Hell!,

The UN General Assembly is scheduled to meet in regular session commencing on the Tuesday of the third week in September, counting from the first week that contains at least one working day. The 66th session began Tuesday, September 13. Access its agenda through the following link". http://www.un.org/ga/search/view_doc.asp?symbol=A/66/250. On Friday, September 23, Abbas and Netanyahu will address the body. Obama plans to do it Wednesday, September 21. According to Middle East expert Jon Alterman: "The president's actions have gotten him anger on all sides, and accolades on none," with good reason. "I don't know an easy way to get out of this problem!" Put another way: He made his bed, now he has to sleep in it! So does The New York Times. Its longstanding editorial policy notoriously turns a blind eye to the most egregious injustices - notably on the Israeli/Palestinian issues. As a result, it virulently opposes Palestinian statehood and full UN membership, no matter how just, right and timely. Supporting the right thing, in fact, was NEVER The Times long suit. It's September 11 editorial is one of many examples. Headlined, "Palestinian Statehood," a UN vote "ruinous", adding: "If a UN vote takes place, Washington and its partners will have to limit the damage". What damage?
Before my duty in Vietnam, where I served as Advisory Tea Leader in the Central Highlands, north of Kontum, I was the intelligence operations officer for our 4th US Armored Division in Goeppingen, Germany. There, I was the first to listen to the painful shrieks of the US men on our USS Liberty, which were being machine-gunned by our "friends" the Israelis. General Sherrer, the commander of our division, had only one comment: "With friends like the Israelis, we have no need of enemies!!" As Susan Rice, our UN Ambassador commented: "There is no magic wand. There is no magic piece of paper, here or anywhere else. In order to achieve the creation of a Palestinian State with clear boundaries, with sovereignty, with the ability to secure itself and provide for its people, there has to be a negotiated settlement."

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