
Luis R. Miranda: Gulf of Mexico Sea Floor Unstable, Fractured, Spilling Hydrocarbons

The Gulf of Mexico disaster has not gone away: In fact, it has grown exponentially since the mainstream media stopped talking about it. According to the Gulf Rescue Alliance, an organization composed of scientists, medical professionals and seafood industry professionals, among others, the problem cannot be simplified to the damage already caused by the oil spill. It is worse, much worse! The Real Agenda received exclusive information regarding the current state of the ongoing emergency in the Gulf of Mexico. The latest assessment performed by the Gulf Rescue Alliance reveals not only that the oil spill is still happening, but also that the Gulf of Mexico's sea floor grew more unstable since the explosion in 2010. Additionally, analysis provided by experts like BK Lim, shows that the geohazards developed that derive from the rolling leakage of toxic matter, combined with the ongoing use of the highly toxic chemical dispersant "COREXIT", will most likely result in the permanent decline of marine life, while posing out-of-control public health risks, just as it did after the Exxon Valdez spill, where the same chemical dispersant was used, resulting in in a rapid decline of marine life until, for example, the Herring industry completely collapsed, and has never recovered since then.

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