
Rev. Ted Pike: UNESCO vote Slams Israel!!

Jewish media tried to describe it as a 'victory' that OBAMA betrayed his 2010 promise to support a UN vote for Palestinian statehood. They gave the impression that the international community now backs Israel's demand for renewed Israel-Palestinian negotiations, not a Palestinian seat at the UN. This impression was reinforced by Congress's resolution last week that $200 million in aid will stop if the Palestinians hold to their bid for statehood. Yet sympathy for the Palestinian cause erupted dramatically last week in (UNESCO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization executive board. Of its 58 members, 40 voted in favor of a Palestinian seat in the UN. Fourteen abstained, and only four voted against it, including the US. As this proves, political backstabbing against the beleaguered Palestinians will not diminish their case. Obama's treachery may well fuel the flames of worldwide righteous indignation against the Jewish state. The Palestinians are almost certain to be defeated in the upcoming UN Security Council vote, yet the UNESCO vote provides a dramatic straw poll of potentially overwhelming support for their position. Should a vote also be submitted to the UN General Assembly, estimates say 120 to 150 nations will vote for Palestinian statehood. Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Israel, deeply mired in international disfavor, because of her crimes against the Palestinians, seems paralyzed, unable to do anything that could revive even a hint of the idealistic admiration it once accepted as its right.

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