
Pravda: An Open Letter to RATO = (NATO and its RAT Mercenaries)

Message to NATO: Stop trying to lure poor and unemployed young men from Egypt, Tunisia, Pakistan and Afghanistan into your sickening war against Libya, stop sending more young men to their deaths, stop lying to them about how much they will be paid, and stop using foreigners to fuel your horrendous selfish oil wars in Libya. I never thought that I would feel any pity for the rats NATO is employing as mercenaries in Libya, but now I address the young men who are being lured into this trap, after being promised thousands of dollars, to get killed, return home unpaid, in a wheelchair. If they could see the facts in Libya, they would find that these are very different from the portrayals of the corporate American News media: What NATO is not telling you, is that once you are sent into battle, you are alone. NATO cannot send its mercenaries to fight on the ground. As I found out after a horrendous firefight in the rubber tree plantation near Trung Lap, at the edge of the "Iron Triangle" of Vietnam, the skinny little US general who seemed to have some issues with my conduct of the operation, though he reeked of aftershave lotion: He was pissed by the fact that I turned down his: "AIR ASSETS", and was apparently not satisfied by my explanation. Yet behind his landing area, he had seen at least one hundred dead American soldiers, the innocent victims of his abilities to lead a decent war operation, now stacked like cord-wood, and ready to be transported to the graves registration soldiers, who had stayed behind, in the United States!

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