
Press TV: Iran Legally Obliged to Help the Oppressed!

A senior Iranian cleric has commented that Iran's constitution requires it to support oppressed nations on our fragile globe, while refraining from meddling in the internal affairs of other countries. "Under Article 154 of Iran's constitution, supporting Muslims and other oppressed people anywhere in our troubled world is part of our country's obligations," Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami said on Friday, IRNA reported. Ayatollah Khatami warned Iranian parties and politicians against preoccupation with certain internal affairs, and forgetting about international issues and Muslim affairs. The cleric warned against the US-backed two-state solution to the long- standing Palestinian-Israeli conflict as a Western plot aimed at confiscating Palestinian lands. "In this conspiracy, by giving a small part of the Palestinian territories, that is less than 18 percent, to the Palestinians under the name of a "Palestinian" state, the rest of the occupied territories will remain under the murderous Israeli administration, and thus find legitimacy for the Israelis who stole that land many years ago. "This means that the cancerous tumor and constant threat of Israel will find legitimacy for the evil Zionist regime." Ayatollah Khatami condemned the move as an act of betrayal, and stressed that the entire lands of Palestine belong to the Palestinians!

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