
John Boering: I Refuse to Vote in Another Phony Election!

I, John Boering am NOT voting in the next presidential election. I don't want to hear how, if I don't vote, I have no right to complain about how things are, or what some political puppet is going to complain, just as I have a right to complain about how things are, or what some political puppet is doing that is unconstitutional, unlawful, or just plain stupid. Yes, I do have the right to complain, just as I have a right to refrain from contributing to this national charade we call "voting". I refuse to allow people to complain that I have only myself to blame, if Evil-doer #1 got elected, and they think that I voted for the bum, and now he is breaking every campaign promise, and doing exactly the opposite of what he said he would do, and now, this is somehow my fault - my personal failing, because the guy turns out to be a jerk? I "supposedly" voted for him, so I only have myself to blame if I don't like the way things are. I refuse to vote. I can't win. We can't win! I don't want to hear how our fore-fathers died in countless wars of aggression, so that I could have the right to vote. That's not what they died for! I refuse to be made complicit in selecting the next New World Order flunky. Not that my vote would count: OUR VOTES ARE NOT COUNTED! Diebold, Sequoia, and other electronic voting machine manufacturers have seen to it that no matter how we, the public, fill out those ballots the machines magically produce, the candidate selected for us prior to the election. Electronic voting machine manu-
facturers were well paid for their uncompromising commitment to rigging elections. After all, why leave anything to chance, and leave open the "possibility" that the people's choice might actually get elected? That could really mess things up, if we actually had a legitimate candidate that hadn't been vetted and pre-approved by the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilder-berger's, the Trilateral Commission, and various shadowy figures that seem to slip in and out of the shadowy halls of government, insisting on having their way.

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