
Raja G Mujtaba: The Clash of Civilizations!

Islam bashing has become part of a well organized move in the West. This is nothing new, such acts are spread over the entire history of Islam. The notorious crusades were initiated by Pope Urban 2nd in 1096, when the church was losing its hold on Christians. This ploy was used by them to bring the Christians back under the yoke of the Church. As a reaction to these invasions, a warrior named Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi, a Kurd, emerged and fought these crusades against Islam. During 9/11, bush assumed the role of Pope Urban, the second, and declared its crusade in his State of the Union address against Islam. The magnitude of this "false flag" has been so intense that its ripples are being felt even now! Its splinter effects have spread across not only the US, but Western Europe as well. The burning of the Holy Quran by Pastor Terry Jones in Florida was the most glaring act. Other than this, there have been numerous attacks on Mosques and Muslims in the entire length and breadth of the US. As if this were not enough, caricatures of Prophet Muhammad were perpetrated in Europe. The Dutch MP, Geert Wilders launched a very aggressive campaign against Islam, when he addressed the British Parliament. Operation Desert Storm, under General Colin Powell was the first stage of "War against Islam". It was first orchestrated by instigating Saddam Hussein to invade Iran, and then Kuwait, to create fear and terror in the minds of the Gulf Cooperation Council states on the Persian Gulf.

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