
Stephen Lendman: America's New World Order Agenda

Our new world order strategy dictates major global economic, political, and military policies. Nothing happens accidentally. Events are manipulated. At issue is world dominance. America, Israel, and key NATO nations are partnered to achieve it. Wars, economic disruption, financial terrorism, and other upheavals play out in real time. Grand schemes lie behind them. Today's economic crisis wasn't happenstance. It was well planned, willful policy to transfer unprecedented wealth into private hands. Super-rich crooks got richer. Social inequalities deepened. Unmanage -able debt levels skyrocketed. "Bailouts" metaphorically mean grand theft. Unknown trillions of dollars, euros and pounds vanished to secret accounts and offshore tax havens. Currencies are being debased. Crisis conditions worsen. At issue is subverting democracy, ending social justice, and consolidating global power in private hands. Political analyst Peter Eyre calls it "a well orchestrated master plan to swindle trillions of taxpayer dollars from so many countries." Pumping them into banks and financial institutions lets them game the system advantageously. "Are you starting to get the picture?" "In a nutshell, the elite 'New World Order' (rulers) got into bed with the banking and financial sectors, who then got into bed with the governments of the world, who then got into bed with senior political figures, who then told us, the taxpayers, that all your money will now have to be used to bail them out, or face economic collapse." It's a con, a scam to loot wealth from nations and households. Anyone facing default gets in trouble. Individual borrowers have their assets seized by creditors. Governments have to deal with the loan shark of last resort, the IMF. In sum, its financial terrorism, New World Order tyranny, waging war on nations and humanity for profit and power.

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