
Paul Craig Roberts: Western Democracy-A Farce And Sham

Every day which passes adds to the fraudulent image of what is called "Western Democracy". Consider that the entire Western world is outraged that the Greek prime minister announced that he is going to permit the Greek people to decide their own fate, instead of having it decided for them by a handful of banksters, politicians, and bureaucrats living it up at taxpayer expense at "talks" in the French resort of Cannes on the Mediterranean. The Greek economy is facing its fourth year of decline, and lacks the revenues to service its national debt held by private European banks. The banks don't want to lose any money, so a handful of power brokers reached an agreement with representatives of the Greek government to write off some of the debt in exchange for EU capital subsidies to be financed by inflicting severe austerity on the Greek population. Wages, salaries, pensions and medical care are being cut, while the rate of unemployment rises to depression levels. Government employees are laid off. Valuable public properties are to be sold to private parties for pennies on the dollar. In short, Greece is to be looted. Large numbers of Greeks have been in the streets, protesting the austerity policy, and have reached the point of anger of throwing Molotov cocktails at the police. Greece is disintegrating politically.

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