
PRAVDA: IAEA Report on Iran is a big FRAUD!!

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said his country does not need nuclear weapons to "cut the hands" of the United States, and can achieve their goals by peaceful means, thus repudiating claims about its nuclear program. "Our nation can achieve success through reflection, its rich culture and prudence," Ahmadinejad said, in criticizing Washington and its allies, who use an assembly of unfounded allegations against the Islamic Republic. The president spoke before the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) reports accusing Tehran of having nuclear weapons, something the country's government vehemently denies. "The US administration looks for prosperity by driving other countries to poverty, plundering their riches," Ahmadinejad accused. The Persian President warned that Washington "will certainly regret any firm response" to the country if the United States and Israel go ahead with any type of military action against Tehran, as has been announced recently in the media. Ahmadinejad also used the occasion to rebuke the IAEA director general, Japanese Yukiya Amano, for being "a puppet" of the White House, challenging him to bring accurate and reliable information about the nuclear activities of Iran, a signatory to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty. The report was classified by the government of the Asian country as "ridiculous and contrived," considering it more as a "repetition of unfounded accusations by the United States and the Zionists." The president also affirmed that the administration of Barack Obama "arrogantly accuses Iran of producing nuclear bombs, while it has more than five thousand atomic products, which demonstrates the lack of US commitment to nuclear disarmament." "This year, the United States has earmarked $81 billion to modernize its nuclear weapons, while the annual budget for nuclear research in Iran is 250 million dollars," said Ahmadinejad.

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