
Timothy Bancroft-Hinchey: Why is There a Media Blackout on Libya?

Has anyone noticed the virtual silence on Libya among western news agencies? If Libya were quiet and without any conflict, we could believe the lies that a dictator has been toppled and his tortured people freed, to live in peace and democracy, but this is not the case! Colonel Gaddafi warned NATO about the enormous mistake which was being made, before the invasion began. Unfortun -ately, NATO would not to learn in time. Our story begins with lies about a 'bloodthirsty' dictator, who posed a threat to the US or its allies. Soon, UNO is bullied into making NATO the world police -man, after which NATO bombs destroy Libya, murdering men, women and children using cluster bombs, and breaching every rule in the book. Soon, the 'kangaroo' courts clear up the mess. The country's funds have been stolen, and its infrastructure destroyed with NATO hardware. Then, rebuilding contracts are handed out to bolster the economies of the invading forces. Kangaroo courts are set up to clear the mess, and they notice that Libya's funds have been stolen. The 'RATS' continue their horrendous human rights abuses, torching buildings, raping women and young girls, destroying public and private property, murdering, torturing, stealing and looting, and sowing chaos among the beleaguered citizens. What do Obama, Cameron and Sarkozy have to say to that? NOTHING !!!

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