
Jesse Ventura Talks to Victor Thorn

On November 4, US District Justice Susan Nelson dismissed a landmark lawsuit filed by former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura, that challenged the Transportation Security Administration's use of full-body, naked scans and aggressive pat-downs. According to Ventura, these procedures violated his Fourth Amendment rights of freedom from unreasonable searches. During an exclusive November 8 interview, Ventura spoke at length with American Free Press about the matter: "It's really sad, in my opinion, that the government won't allow me to have a date in court," said Ventura. Judge Nelson claimed her court didn't have jurisdiction, but this is a constitutional question, and if she doesn't have jurisdiction, who does? "My attorneys aren't dumb," he said. "But the feds didn't want my case heard before a jury in open court. Instead, they'd rather decide these matters behind closed doors by a panel of judges: I think Judge Nelson has no courage, no spine! "I'd tell her: Don't be a government hack". "My case clearly shows that the Bill of Rights doesn't exist anymore. There's nowhere to go to remedy grievances. It's phony, a fraud." Exasperated, Ventura stated that he intends to start picketing in front of federal courthouses, possibly holding a placard that reads: "I could have gotten equal justice in Cuba."

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