
Pravda: Russia to Develop Defense Project in USA's Backyard

Russia has decided to resume defense cooperation with Cuba, which remains in a state of conflict with the United States, even though it is situated very close to US borders. Despite rising tensions in US-Russian relations, Russia's defense export giant Rosoboron-Export will conclude a contract with Havana, to purchase the production line for the manufacture of 7.62 mm rifle ammunition, Kommersant daily reports. The processing line will be managed by Cuba's Commandante Ernesto Che Guevara defense enterprise. Cuba sent an application to Rosoboron-Export last year: Russia will establish the production of the ammunition, and provide Cuba with the license and the technology for the ammunition. According to the source, Havana showed an interest in the Russian line, after Cuban officials and army officers visited the ammunition factory in Venezuela, where Russia has built a factory since 2006. In the future, Moscow hopes to conclude another contract with Cuba, to modernize the entire ammo production, which was established in that country at the end of 1970, with the help of Soviet specialists. Cuba has been one of the most substantial buyers of Russian military hardware from 1960 to 1990.

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