
Julian Rose: An Open Letter to Farmers and Consumers!

Listen: do you want to survive? Do you want to have something edible on your plate? Do you seriously believe that what you currently buy from the supermarkets and hypermarkets is actually providing you with your nutritional needs? Do you even care? Or are you "too busy to think about it." Do you ever read the label on the packaging? Do you know what all those 'e' numbers mean? The synthetic preservat -ives colors and additives which form a significant part of the 'food' you eat, do you realize what they are doing to you and to your children and your grandchildren? Well I'll tell you: They are destroying your immune systems, that's what they are doing. They are eating away at your natural resistance to disease. They are hardening your arteries. They are contributing to the chances of getting cancer. Have you noticed that people are getting sick more and more frequently? If you haven't noticed you must have been asleep for the past decade. How many times have you felt "really well" recently? Not often? Have you wondered why? Do you take any interest in the quality of what you put in your belly? Yes? Then why do you still go to those huge supermarket stores that sell you junk food wrapped up in pretty packaging? Did you know that the 'fresh food' they sell you is never less than 4 days old? That it has often traveled half way around the world before it gets to you? That it is coming from huge mono-cultural fields whose soils have been soused with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and nitrates? You don't know what nitrates are? They are toxic stimulants that force plants to grow faster and bigger than they would naturally. All large scale farmers use them. The residues from these nitrates end up in our drinking water, and therefore in your bellies, and so do the pesticides, herbicides and fungicides. So do you begin to get the picture?  

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    good day everyone all the best to yous for 2012
    alf beilin
