
Rafi: From Israel: Vote Ron Paul and Let My People Go!

Lately, I've been having trouble sleeping. I sit here in my living room in Karnei Shomron, Israel, on the 8th night of Chanukah, wondering what other miracles lay in store on January 3rd and in the months ahead. The name Ron Paul is constantly at my fingertips. I've typed it in so many times the past month it's insane. I'm experiencing an excitement I've rarely ever felt, and I don't even live in America any -more. During the last Republican debate I woke myself up at 3am Israel time to watch an 8pm EST live stream on YouTube, with no fatigue whatsoever. I'm on overdrive, and I can't calm myself. I've only recently figured out what this excitement actually is. I first got interested in the whole freedom move -ment, when I heard that Ron Paul wanted to end all foreign aid, including my country, Israel. This seemed like a spectacular idea to me. I hate the idea of taking American taxpayer money I don't need. The only reason we take it, by the way, is not because we need it. It's that we don't want to feel alone, and Jews always always feel a deep existential isolation and loneliness. "As I see them from the mountain tops, gaze on them from the heights, this is a people that dwells alone, not counted among the Nations," says Balaam of the People of Israel in Numbers 23:9. We still feel that loneliness. So we take the money. It's shameful, it's theft, it's destructive, it's morally wrong, and it makes people hate us for tying them into a conflict they have no business trying to solve. I wanted it to end, and didn't trust any Israeli leader to give it up on his own, so I looked up more about Ron Paul.      

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