
Jim Kirwan: Crossing The Threshhold!

Today the world crossed over into the free-fire-zone that has been created to finish off this place and change-the-world from a place into a permanent prison for any who will survive the coming days and weeks. The congress of the USA has been moving at light-speed to create so many different new pieces of new legislation that are aimed at making ordinary Americans into SUSPECTS and or actual Enemy Combatants inside their own country. This unceasing flood of Anti-American legislation that are aimed at making ordinary Americans into SUSPECTS and or actual Enemy Combatants inside their own country. This unceasing flood of Anti-American legislation is all the more remarkable for the fact that nothing which this country needs is being met by the congress, the courts or the Tarnished House. Yet bill after bill is passed with no discussion or debate and the public only discovers what has happened to us after the critical votes are taken. Americans are the most highly taxed nation on the planet, and yet we derive no benefit from all that money for ourselves. Instead, every one of those entities that are looting this country are handsomely rewarded, well beyond any criminal's wildest dreams of booty and unearned wealth, yet the public remains completely cut off from the government that we are paying through the nose to maintain, on the one hand, and on the other we are being ripped apart anew each and every week by this series of criminally inspired bits of legislation that are fired into our faces as if we were all just a bunch of paper-targets to be destroyed at will by the armies of traitors that were created by this latest rash of unimaginable legislation.

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