
Stephen Lendman: Daily Israeli State Terror!

Major media scoundrels suppress reports about the daily Israeli state terror. Most Americans, and many others, can't imagine what Palestinians endure. Every imaginable depravity's included. Torture and murder are state policy. So are forced dispossessions, violence as a weapon of choice, collective punishment, apartheid worse than South Africa's, isolation, home demolitions, land theft, mass arrests, economic strangulation, and much more. Rule of law principles are systematically spurned. Rogue state policies ignore them. Even Jews face risks. However, Palestinians and Israeli Arabs live under constant threats, especially besieged Gazans facing slow-motion genocide. Except for death camps, Israel treats Arabs like Nazis treated Jews. Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer was outspoken, saying: "The Israelis try to dehumanize the Palestinians, just like the Nazis did to me. Nobody should dehumanize any others, and those who do it are not human." "It may be that Israel is not the most cruel country of the world, but one thing I know for sure is that it's the world champion in pretending to be civilized and cultured." He also said: "Formerly an anti-Semite was somebody who hated Jews because they were Jews and had a Jewish soul. But nowadays an anti-Semite is someone who is hated by Jews." He added that criticizing Israel isn't denigrating Jews. A German native, Meyer survived 10 months at Auschwitz. His parents weren't so fortunate. He fled, went into hiding, but was caught and imprisoned. Post-war, he because a physicist, political activist, and wrote three books on Judaism, the Holocaust, and Zionism. He now lives in the Netherlands, is a member of the Dutch Green Left and International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network, and supports the global BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) Movement for Freedom, Justice and Equality.  

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