
Will Dunham: Ron Paul Unimpressed by Limbaugh Apology

Republican presidential hopeful Ron Paul expressed doubt on Sunday that conservative radio talk-show host Rush Limbaugh truly meant it when he apologized for calling a law student a "slut" over her support for President Barack Obama's new policy on insurance coverage of contraceptives. "I don't think he's very apologetic. He's doing it because some people were taking their advertisements off his program. It was his bottom line that he was concerned about," Paul told CBS program "Face the Nation." "Yes, I think he should have apologized. I had said he used very crude language. And I think he gets over the top at times," added Paul, known for his libertarian views. Limbaugh offered his apology to Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke, 30, in a written statement on Saturday. "My choice of words was not the best, and in the attempt to be humorous, I created a national stir. I sincerely apologize to MsFluke for the insulting word choices," Limbaugh said. The controversy prompted Obama to call Fluke on Friday to express his support. Several of Limbaugh's sponsors said they would stop advertising on his program following his remarks. Fluke was caught in an election-year fight between Obama and Republicans over a policy that requires health insurance plans to cover contraception. Religious-affiliated organizations, the Roman Catholic Church and social conservatives have protested the policy as an infringement on religious liberty. Fluke told a Democratic congressional hearing last month that female students in Georgetown, the oldest Catholic and Jesuit university in the country, suffered financial hardship because contraception was not covered by their health insurance, and some had stopped taking it because of the cost.    

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