
PRESSTV: Holocaust Blackest Lie!

Arthur Jones, who hopes to challenge Democrat Dan Lipinski in Illinois' 3rd Congressional District, noted that the claim of killing millions of Jews and other people by Nazis during World War II "is nothing more than international extortion racket by the Jews," Huffington Post reported. "It's the blackest lie in history. Millions of dollars are being made by Jews telling this tale of woe and misfortune in books, movies, plays and TV," he said. "The more survivors, the more lies that are told," the 64-year-old candidate said. Jones said he hopes to win the Republican primary nomination and move on to challenge Democrat Dan Lipinski next November. He also questioned Lipinski's strange affiliation with powerful pro-Israeli lobby group in the US-American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Jones underlined that the pro-Israeli lobby "was bragging on their website" on how Lipinski is "spearheading an effort in the US House of Representatives with a Jewish Congressman from Virginia named Frank Wolf to get tough with Iran, including closing off any oil exports to China that could lead to World War III." Jones, a Vietnam veteran, also compared current conditions in the US to the situation in Germany following the end of World War 1 and insisted that "our country is falling apart economically, politically, culturally, militarily." "We are going down," he noted angrily. "These war-mongering fools in congress like Republican presidential candidates Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich and Mitt Romney, we can't let Iran have one nuclear weapon but we let Israel have all the nuclear weapons they want," Jones said. "This is ridiculous." Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has called on a number of occasions for a historical examination of 'the Holocaust' in an effort to uncover realities of the much publicized World War II event. His remarks, however, have sparked outrage among pro-Israeli Western powers, labeling him as a "holocaust denier." 

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