
theufochronicles: Unraveling the Age of the Pyramids and Sphinx:

Today with the use of computers and software its possible to track the stars of the heavens back thousands of years to determine their location on particular ancient dates. Many of those locations do in fact align with certain structures in Egypt, such as the three Pyramids of Giza being in the same alignment as the 3 stars of Orion's belt, the fact that the Sphinx faces directly toward the eastern sunrise at certain times of the year, and that the shafts of the Kings and Queens chamber align perfectly with certain stars, and other astronomical occurrences in the sky. As an example, during the summer solstice, the longest day of the year, and the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, at Giza the sub rises about 28 degrees south of due east and 28 degrees north during those two times of the year, thus being an equinoctial marker when the Sphinx faces perfectly to the east at sunrise during the spring equinox. The technology side of how the Pyramids were built is to me, some of the most amazing information to come forward thus far. Fourteenth century Arab commentators tell us the Great Pyramid and the second one were both covered with smoothly-polished Tura limestone that glowed in the Egyptian sun, and were shaken loose by an earth quake in 1301 AD, and most then used to build mosques and temples. Only the second Pyramid still has any of the limestone casing stones at the top. Those casing stones consisted of an estimated 22 acres of 8-foot thick blocks, each weighing about 16 tons, and so closely joined that they appeared to be a single slab from top to bottom. As determined in 1881 by Sir W M Flinders Petrie, the mean thickness of the joints is 0.020 of an inch, giving a variation of the cutting of the stone from a straight line and a true square but 0.01 of an inch on a length of 75 inches up to the face.

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