
Mahmoud Abbas: Letter to The Criminal Occupation Prime Minister

The letter below was sent by the Palestinian "President" Mahmoud Abbas to the Prime Minister of the Zionist occupation state of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu. President Abbas, who holds the placebo presidential chair of the PA for a handful of US, European and Arab dollars, recently sent a long letter begging his criminal counterpart, Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu to release some hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. The message caused us headache and disgust because of the unending talk about it in the media, and in the end it did not bring us as Palestinians anything new. It simply was a desperate step by Abbas to justify more begging money from western countries for the PA finances, a couple more millions of dollars which President Abbas has become so used to receive whenever he feigns for a moment that he "thinks" about Palestine and the Palestinians. Everybody thought that Abbas would dissolve the PA after all the lamenting, but such a step would never be taken by a loser accustomed to a life of treason and beggary and living off of others. The message of Abbas to Netanyahu, as published in the Hebrew media, is below: Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, State of Israel. H.E. Prime Minister Netanyahu: In 1993, the Palestine Liberation Organization signed the Declaration of Principles (The Oslo Accords) and exchanged letters of mutual recognition with the Government of Israel. The Declaration of Principles defined its aim as the implementation of UN Security Council resolutions 242 and 338, which would begin with a transitional period, and culminate with negotiations on all the final status issues including Jerusalem, borders, settlements, refugees, water, security, relations with neighboring countries, and other matters of mutual interest.

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