
Revisionist Historians for World Peace!

The Chosen People: Israel, 'Christian' Zionism and the Middle East Crisis. There is a saying that goes like this: "Only when there is peace in the Middle East, can there be peace throughout the world." Another oft-repeated saying is the following: "As the Middle East goes, so goes the rest of the planet." There are many other perceptive statements of similar import and deep meaning. Each of them conveys the same weighty observation and geopolitical significance: That the Middle East is but a microcosm of the macrocosm known as planet Earth. And, that the direction of global peace, or war, can be easily judged by what is happening right here in Israel, in Palestine, and among the many neighboring nations. Many have called this area the snake pit of snake pits, the ultimate hornets' nest, as well as the proverbial lion's den. The list of kings and prime ministers, nations and countries, presidents and diplomats is endless where it concerns attempts to intercede in the affairs of the Middle East for the sake of negotiating an enduring peace. But why have so many peace initiatives failed, many of them quite dismally? The answers can only be found by studying the true history of this volatile region of the planet. Understanding the history of all the key players involved is also required if we are to make sense of so much turmoil, confusion and conflict. Zionism - What is it? To start, let's take a trip back in time to August 29, 1897. This date stands out as a critical marker in the development of the pseudo-religious, political, militaristic movement known as Zionism. Just what is Zionism? A Jewish nationalism movement known as The Return of the Jews to their "rightful" historical homeland, as opposed to the end of the Diaspora. The goal of Zionism was to establish a Jewish state in Palestine because a small number of determined wealthy Europeans claimed the anti-Semitism present in the world at the end of the 19th Century would end if a people collectively known as "Jews" had their own state.

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