
Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri: Where Do We Want to Go?

We are now at a grave planetary crossroad. Individually, we are also at potentially and dramatically life-changing times. Baseball legend Yogi Berra used to say: "When you get to the fork in the road, take it." So, where do we truly want to go? Well, now we have two choices. Collectively, as wrecked societies and battered cultures that have been created by insider elites, wealthy bankers and their government cohorts, our "strings" have been pulled to conform and dance to rigged criminal tunes. This is all for the benefit of a dark cabal, a new world disorder. It is all based on harm and destruction. Individually, most humans have bought into rigged news and a Western culture, based on fear and chronic violence. The now illegal "perpetual" war machine, funded by tax payer money and black ops, is the only thing that "works". Killing is thriving, while real health care, education, elder care, and infra structure,with thousands of crumbling bridges and wrecked roads, are all trashed. Those in power, whether at local, state, or federal level are gutting every social service to supposedly balance the budget. Any "public" agency no longer works for us. This actually funds war and killing. These criminals are not working for us. They've been paid off or threatened. Either way, no one in public office is working for "we, the people." A new report on the FDA's internal spying on their staff is just the latest example of their being co-opted by the pharmaceutical corporations. The corruption and stench of criminality is so pervasive throughout all governments, that it is not fixable in its present state. This entire system is bereft of any moral or ethical values. It far surpasses the days of Caligula and ancient Rome. Further, the corporate controlled media is part of the news-lies "reported" to us. It is all hype and planned drivel to a dumbed-down, brain damaged populace. Cell phones, "Smart" Meters, and other EMF/RF invisible harm, plus prescription mind altering drugs and other chemicals we breathe are wrecking our ability to think clearly.     

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