
Richard Silverstein: Netanyahu's Secret War Plan to Attack Iran

In the past few days, I received an Israeli briefing document outlining Israel's war plans against Iran. The document was passed to me by a high level Israeli source, who received it from an IDF officer. My source, in fact, wrote to me that normally he would not leak this sort of document, but: These are not normal times. I'm afraid Bibi and Barak are dead serious. The reason they leaked it is to expose the arguments and plans advanced by the Bibi-Barak two headed warrior. Neither the IDF leaker, my source, nor virtually any senior military or intelligence officer wants this war. While whoever wrote this briefing paper had use of IDF and intelligence data, I don't believe the IDF wrote it. It feels more likely it came from the shop of national security adviser Yaakov Amidror, a former general, settler true believer and Bibi confidant. It could also have been produced by Defense Minister Barak, another pro-war booster. I've translated the document from Hebrew with the help of Dena Shunra. Before laying out the document, I wanted to place it in context. If you've been reading this blog, you'll know that after Bibis IDF service, he became the marketing director for a furniture company. Recent revelations have suggested that he may have also served in some capacity either formally or informally in the Mossad during that period. This document is a more sophisticated version of selling bedroom sets and three piece sectionals. The only difference is that this marketing effort could lead to the death of thousands. This is Bibis pitch for war. Its purpose is to be used in meetings with members of the Shminiya, the eight member security cabinet which currently finds a 4-3 majority opposed to an Iran strike. Bibi uses this sales pitch to persuade the recalcitrant ministers of the cool, clean, refreshing taste of war. My source informs me that it has also been shared in confidence with selected journalists who are in the trusted inner media circle. This is Shock and Awe, Israeli-style.

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