
Alan Hart: Scoop! Bibi's letter to Khaled Meshal !!

Hey readers, Ive got a scoop. It's the text of a letter, don't ask me how I got it, from Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to Hamas leader Meshal. It was hand delivered in Gaza by one of Israel's many Palestinian collaborators who lives there. Like most, if not all others of this kind, the poor man didn't volunteer to spy for Israel. He was "recruited" after being told that his wife would be raped if he didn't provide information for Israel. Many years ago, as I noted in my book Arafat, Terrorist or Peacemaker? Abu Iyad, Fatah's intelligence chief, told me that most Palestinians who became Israeli assets did so because they were told that their mothers, or their wives, or their daughters or their sisters would be raped if they didn't do what Israel's security agencies wanted. "It's Israel's standard procedure," Abu Iyad said. During Israel's ground and air assault on Beirut in 1982, a Palestinian woman came to Abu Iyad and confessed that she was an Israeli agent, one of 30 who were reporting on Arafat's movements to enable Israeli jets to zero in and bomb him to pieces. Abu Iyad had the other 29 rounded up and shot. He didn't tell Arafat until they were dead, because he knew the chairman would have insisted on mercy and forgiven them. The envelope containing Netanyahu's letter was addressed to "His Excellency, Khaled Meshal." The letter itself was to "The Palestinian Terrorist Leader."The text was as follows: "I thank you with all my heart for your speech in Gaza confirming that Hamas wants to compromise with the Jewish state which, you said, must be liberated, destroyed, "inch by inch." Why am I moved to thank you? I'll tell you frankly. You have solved what was threatening to become a serious problem for me. The problem? For some months past, European leaders and even people with an inside track to my very, very dear friend Barak Obama have been telling me that I do not understand Hamas's real position. 

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