
Peter Symonds: Japanese Election Mired in Nationalism

and Militarism. The campaign in Japan for the December 16 election has marked a sharp turn to nationalism and militarism across the political establishment, directed especially against China. The rightward shift in Japanese politics is a warning of the dangers facing the working class as a consequence of the worsening breakdown of global capitalism. Two issues signal the turn: The dispute with China over the Senkaku Diaoyo islands, and calls for constitutional change to remove or modify Japan's so called pacifist clause. The ruling Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) deliberately inflamed tensions with China by "nationalizing" the disputed islands in September. The result has been a dangerous stand off between Japanese and Chinese maritime vessels, which the opposition Liberal Democratic Party (LPD) and the right wing Japan Restoration Party (JRP) propose to exacerbate by building permanent structures on the islands. LDP leader Shinzo Abe, known for his right wing nationalist views, has focused on the defense of all of Japan's claimed territories as the means of pressing for constitutional change to transform the "Self Defense Forces" into a regular military force, able to participate in "collective self defense". The "pacifist" clause has acted as an impediment to participation in the US led wars of aggression in the Middle East, and thus to the interests of Japanese imperialism. JRP leader Shintaro Ishihara calls for complete scrapping of the "occupation" constitution, drawn up by the US following the end of World War II, and has suggested that Japan consider building its own nuclear weapons. While warning of the dangers of "anti foreignism and adventurism" and advocating "responsible defense". Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has previously argued for amendments, to ensure the constitutionality of the military.          

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