
Dr. Kevin Barrett: CIA officer John Kiriakou imprisoned to protect

9/11 cover up. CIA officer John Kiriakou is imprisoned to protect 9/11 cover up. Former CIA Case Officer John C Kiriakou is facing 30 months in the federal pen. According to the New York Times, Kiriakou's crime was passing the identity of an undercover CIA officer to a journalist. But a quick peek behind the scenes, reveals the real reason Kiriaku is being crucified. He revealed information about CIA officials in torturing innocent 9/11 patsy Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM) into endorsing a pre scripted false confession. Kiriakou is being railroaded to send a message to the intelligence community: Don't mess with 9/11 torture, the framing of patsies, and forced confessions! As VT readers know, the intelligence community leaks "classified" information like a proverbial sieve, as it should. Almost all "classified" information ought to be made public. Of the tens of thousands of leaks that occur each year, only a tiny fraction are ever punished, legally or extra legally. So when a former CIA Case Officer is sent to prison for a relatively innocuous leak, we must ask ourselves: Why was this guy singled out? Kiriakou's "leak" was about as innocuous as it gets. Scott Shane, a New York Times journalist working on CIA torture stories, asked for names of those who knew something about the water-boarding of KSM and Abu Zubaydah, the mentally retarded "al Qaeda kingpin" who was tortured into naming KSM. Kiriakou, like all honest intelligence community folks, was presumably dismayed that those who tortured the false confessions out of KSM later destroyed all of the tapes and notes detailing the torture sessions, and then lied through his teeth about what happened. So he gave Shane the business card of Deuce Martinez, a former undercover CIA agent who was involved in the frame up of al Qaeda's Retard in Chief Abu Zubaydah and innocent 9/11 patsy KSM. Shane is baffled by the government's contention that mentioning Martinez's name constituted a security breach: Mr. Martinez, an analyst by training,was retired and had never served under cover. That is, he had never posed as a diplomat, or a businessman while overseas. He had placed his home address, his personal e mail address, his job as an intelligence officer, and other personal details on a public Web site for the students of his alma mater. Abu Zubaydah had been captured six years earlier, Mr Mohammed five years earlier. Their stories were far from secret!    

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