
Jim W.Dean: NeoCon Zionism: America's 5th Column!

Israeli militants, American gangsters, shaking the pillars of our United States: American's "pop culture" news is filled with stories of Iran suffering financially under sanctions. Sitting in a nation, long bankrupt, $16 trillion dollars in debt, bleeding cash into Israel, money spent to push America into another losing war, and all our press can talk about is Iran. It would be fair to talk about the worldwide financial meltdown, but even then some difficult questions might be asked, such as, "Who caused it?" Nobody wants those answers, because then they would have to do something about it. Thus, the drowning man, going down for the last time, points a finger and laughs at the man on shore, who is running short of drinking water and feels smug. His enemy is finally feeling "sanctions",even though the drowning man may never live long enough to enjoy the moment of empty triumph. No one wants to talk about how the War on Terror turned out to be a terror campaign on America. The old America was blown up by the Bush NeoCons, freedoms gone, constant surveillance, a generation of wealth stolen with help of our own Congress, the Money Mullahs. A page of this history will be the recent scathing Senate report on the billions wasted by the Department of Homeland Security Fusion Centers on make believe Counter Intel programs. It got it's one day of publicity, but all the reporting I have read about it so far has a huge missing item. The billions wasted on the Intel sharing Fusion Center program is just the tip of the iceberg. Sixty billion was admitted to just WoT contractor fraud alone this Spring. The whole war on terror has ended up being a cash cow, that has has funded those who have turned out to be our most dangerous enemies. Bankers and gangsters teamed up teamed up mortgage fraud crooks and Neo Colonialism hustlers to terrorize America on a scale that no Jihadi ever dreamed possible. Bush lied to us, when he said the Muslims hated us for our freedom, and wanted to take that away. The proof? After 911, the State Department did a world wide survey of Muslim attitudes on America. The results were startling, with upwards to 90% liking the American people, and most wanting to move there if they could. The majority of their negative comments all focused around the American 'government policies' in the Mid East, not its people. Bush was of course aware of this study, but he went ahead and shamed our country by lying through his teeth about the Muslims all wanting to come after us. Why did he do it? He knew the report was on record that totally refuted what he was saying.       

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