
Annie Rose Strasser: 7 Shocking Statements from One

of the nuttiest GOP Congressmen in the House. Rep. Don Young, (R-AK) on Thursday invited a wave of criticism, after using a racial slur to characterize Latinos, saying that he and his father used to hire 50 to 60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes. Young refused to apologize outright for the slur, and several GOP leaders have since called on him to do so. But it's not new for Young, one of the most senior Republicans in the House, to go off the rails. He has said a long string of crazy, offensive or outright bizarre things during his 40 year tenure as a member of Congress. Here's a look back at just a few of his most outrageous comments: 1. Drink alone to avoid domestic violence. On the same day as his racial slur comment, Young also held a press conference, in which he advised that the best solution to domestic violence, is for people to do more imbibing in private: Watch the alcohol and the drugs, he said. You look at the relationship between violence against the loved ones you love, it is usually related to either one of those, and I'm going to suggest for those that may be drinking together, Stop it! If you want to drink by yourself, you may do it, But when you drink together, the possibility of harm becomes greater every day. Members of Congress should be hanged: Young once misattributed a quote to Abraham Lincoln, on the floor of the House of Representatives. That quote called for members of Congress, who opposed war, to be hanged. Congressmen who willfully take action during wartime, that damages morale and undermines the military are saboteurs, and should be arrested, exiled or hanged, Young claimed Lincoln had said. In fact, a conservative academic, not the storied former president, was responsible for the quote. 3. Environmentalists are waffle stomping, Harvard graduating, intellectual idiots. Young, who was a big advocate for drilling in the arctic, and strongly disbelieves in climate change, said that environmentalists are a self centered bunch of waffle stomping, Harvard graduating intellectual idiots, and are not Americans, never have been Americans, never will be Americans. 4. Members of Congress are like mink. They bite. When Young was in an education funding battle in 2007, he likened members of Congress to the mink in my state, that kill their own. He went on: There's always another day, when who bite will be killed, too, and I am very good at that.

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