
Robert Rosebrock: General Shiinseki Ordered yo Surrender

General Eric K. Shinseki, Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, has continuously failed our Military Veterans, including failing to file and execute disability claims in a timely manner, and to provide quality healthcare and housing for disabled homeless Veterans, particularly in Los Angeles, where there's already a National Veterans Home, established 125 years ago, but the buildings are vacant and rat infested, while the land is misappropriated for non Veteran use. It's well documented that nationwide, the VA has a shameful back log of over 900,000 disability claims with Veterans waiting up to 650 days to get necessary health care and disability benefits. During a recent Senate Hearing, members of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, demanded the VA turn over its internal performance data, to give Congressional lawmakers direct insight as to why the agency is so dysfunctional. Consistent with the VA's modus operandi, Allison Hickey, the VA's undersecretary for benefits, was evasive, vague, dismissive, non cooperative, and refused to turn over requested data. Think about it: If the VA openly and defiantly stonewalls the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee, and denies them pertinent information, what must it be like for lonely disabled Veterans in the isolated office, of intimidating and confrontational VA bureaucrats? Under General Shinseki's antagonistic command, the VA's willful neglect and bureucratic malice, has compounded the stress of intimidating and confrontational VA bureaucrats? Under General Shinseki's antagonistic command, the VA's willful neglect and bureaucratic malice, has compounded the stress, and depression of disabled Veterans, which can only lead to homelessness. Homelessness can lead to hopelessness and desperation, which can only lead to suicide, as 22 Veterans voluntarily take their lives every day, on average, across the nation. We have found the enemy, and it is the VA. This ruthless war against or nation's disabled Veterans must cease! Thus, it's no longer the days of yore, when we pleaded: "Mr. Secretary, this is to respectfully request that you do the right thing, and resign." Now it's an order! General: Surrender your command, posthaste! That's right General, it's over! You lost the despicable war you and your bureaucrats have been waging against our nation's disabled and homeless Veterans.  

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