
Dr. Kevin Barrett: Malala is another Illuminati Psy Op!

Below is Henry Makow's edited with intro version of Zafar Bangash's story. For the long version, including evidence that the Malala shooting was a staged event, not a Taliban attack, see Scott Creighton's multi-part series. Malala: poster girl for genocide. Henry Macow.com. Educating girls will change the world, Malala, 16, told the UN Friday. Change is satanist code for social & cultural degradation. Malala has the hallmarks of an Illuminati psyop: the mass media rush as one to sanctify her, Illuminati whores, politicians and celebrities alike, endorse her. The article below by Zahar Bangash makes makes the Illuminati connection  very clear. Malala is a champion of education for girls. Education today comes with a heavy dose of gender-killing feminism. The Illuminati use this toxin to destroy traditional societies and reduce population by alienating women from marriage and motherhood. Who says learning only takes place in a classroom, and not in a home where the Illuminati can't control the message? Liberal i.e. Masonic education has degraded Western society and created many generations of lost souls. As usual, the Illuminati do well by doing good. Mulala's father owns a chain of private schools and huge UK/US education corporations are vying for a share of the Malala Fund cash grab. Anyone who watched the hagiography that passed for TV news Friday can confirm that Western society is run by hypocritical, sanctimonious, shameless liars. One cannot help but wonder whether her father's motive was in promoting girl's education or he feared his income dwindling if the girls' schools he was running were shut down by the Taliban. Was Malala Yousafzai used for a larger US plan? The attack on Malala Yousafzai in October 2012 evoked worldwide condemnation. From US President Barack Obama to UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, all condemned the attack. The question is: why is Malala given so much prominence when other attacks on girls in Pakistan and Afghanistan go virtually unnoticed? The attempt on the life of Malala Yousafzai, a 15 year old Pakistani schoolgirl from Mingora in Pakistan's Swat Valley on October 9 has aroused worldwide outrage. Two other girls were also injured in the attack as Malala was returning home in a school bus. There were rallies in her support not only in Pakistan but some very high-powered global players also weighed in on her case. In what must be a first, US President Barack Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon and former British Prime Minister Gordon Brown all condemned the attack on Malala as did most politicians in Pakistan. Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie suggested Malala should be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize while Madonna put Malala's name on her bare back!

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