
Michael Chester: Israel Loses Face and an F-16 in Syria!

The loss of a single aircraft is relatively easy to sweep under the rug, but a major engagement would see the planes raining down like they did in 1973, though a complete media lock down kept that information from becoming common knowledge. Israel announced on July 8 that one of their F-16s suffered a mechanical failure off the coast of Gaza. A military spokesman for the Israeli Air Force (IAF) said both pilots were recovered. The plane is said to have crashed into the Mediterranean Sea. Almost no part of this story is true. It makes as much sense as the story of the American Navy putting 22 Navy Seals on a National Guard helicopter. Nobody bought that one. Israel did lose an F-16. They are unable to hide the fact that one of their first line aircraft is no longer in inventory. Did Israel, as multiple reports now indicate, and perhaps even confirm, really lose an F-16 and its crew of two to a Syrian C-300 missile 48 hours before the claimed incident and over 400 miles from the claimed location? On May 4, 2013, the Syrian Navy sunk an Israeli Dolphin submarine. Israel, unwilling to accept the public humiliation of such a loss: a disaster of such a proportion to its citizens has been repainting hull numbers and shuffling crew rosters on its remaining submarines for two months. As Senior Editor, Gordon Duff says: Israel has suffered a number of serious reverses of late. When Israel suffers, it loses face. Israel has found an interesting way of dealing with losing face. They lie. Lost aircraft, or something like a Dolphin submarine, especially during an offensive operation, are routinely never disclosed to the public for a variety of reasons. Informed sources have disclosed that the F-16 training accident reported off the coast of Gaza was cover for their plane lost in the Syrian warehouse attack which is claimed was targeted as an S-300 component part base. This attack sounded fishy to us right away, starting with it being reported by Global Research which is an organization rumored to have complex allegiances. First, these missile systems are roll on roll off mobile launching systems designed to be deployed rapidly. Upon arrival they can be ready to fire within, well, you wouldn't believe it. Second, S-300 components or inventory missiles would never be stored in an exposed warehouse facility where they would be sitting ducks. Each missile battalion moves continually and keeps its inventory moving with it. Historically, the most effective way of destroying S-300 missiles is by crashing aircraft into them or, perhaps, the other way around. Third, highly trained pilots, and Israel has them, are trained to defeat air defense systems. That said, the Israelis could possibly initiate and attack flying in at 50 feet. Our sources tell us the explosion in the photo shown by Global Research fit that of a 2000 lb iron bomb, the standard payload for an F-16B. But while getting in is one thing, getting out alive is something entirely different. 

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