Articles of Impeachment for President George W. Bush
by Dennis Kucinich
1. Creating a secret propaganda campaign to manufacture a false case for war against Iraq.
2. Falsely, systematically, and with criminal intent conflating the attacks of September 11.
3. Misleading the American people and members of Congress to believe Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, to manufacture a false case for war.
4. Misleading the American people and members of Congress to believe Iraq posed an imminent threat to the United States.
5. Illegally misspending funds to secretly begin a war of aggression.
6. Invading Iraq in violation of the requirements of HJ Res 114.
7. Invading Iraq Absent a Declaration of War.
8. Invading Iraq, a sovereign nation, in violation of the UN Charter.
9. Failing to provide troops with body armor and vehicle armor.
10. Falsifying accounts of US troop deaths and injuries for political purposes.
11. Establishment of permanent US military bases in Iraq.
12. Initiating a war against Iraq for control of that nation's natural resources.
13. Creating a secret task force to develop energy and military policies with respect to Iraq and other countries.
14. Misprision of a felony, misuse and exposure of classified information and obstruction of justice in the matter of Valerie Plame Wilson, clandestine agent of the Central Intelligence Agency. (There are a total of 35 articles. Please click on the "Impeach Bush" title to read the rest.