Compared to our current war criminals, many of the Nazis tried at Nuremberg were choir boys: International law would be mere farce, said the US chief prosecutor at Nuremberg, Supreme Court justice Robert Jackson, if, in future, we do not apply its principles to ourselves.
"WELL SAID !!On 19 January, the George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley compared the status of George W. Bush with that of Pinochet. "Outside the United States there is not the ambiguity about what to do about a war crime, so if you try to travel, most people are not going to view you as 'former President George Bush' but as a current war criminal. For this reason, former defence secretary Donald Rumsfeld, who personally approved torture techniques in Iraq and at Guantanamo, no longer travels. In the spirit of the war crimes trials at Nuremberg, he has twice been indicted for war crimes in Germany. Mr. Bush, please go to Germany. Make my day!!