Top Journalist: "We are intellectual prostitutes"
"The business of the journalist is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting of an independent press? We are the jumping jacks - they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the property of other men."
Stunning Statistics About our War in Afghanistan
In a hearing of Senator Claire McCaskill's Contract Oversight subcommittee, it was determined that this is the highest ratio of contractors to military personnel in US history!
From June 2009 to September of this year, there was a 40% increase in "Defense Department contractors" in Afghanistan.
Your TAX DOLLARS at work.
Please click on the link under my headline for "the rest of the story".
Malalai Joya: A Woman Among the Warlords.
She sums up her important work by documenting the incontrovertible fact that the multi-billion dollar profits which will soon be reaped by our giant corporations through the unnecessary sacrifices of the men and women serving selflessly in our Armed Forces. She admonishes us that the people of Afghanistan are fed up with the corruption of the Mafia-state of Hamid Karzai and the warlords and drug lords backed by NATO, and furthermore, that the real motive of the US and her allies was to convert her country into a military base in Central Asia, and the capital of the world's opium drug trade.
War Correspondent: "Liberals Are Useless"
Please click on the title of this posting to read his important comments!
What a Taliban Triumph and US Defeat Would Mean for America
It seems there are only lies, damned lies, and the worthless promises of politicians, and the voters who are foolishly trust these conniving politicians do not care one bit about our great country, or the welfare of our foolish and trusting citizenry, who actually believe the outrageous lies of our thieving politicians.
Please click on the title to read the entire comment by Pat Buchanon!
In all history, there is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare
"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." (Mark Twain)
Sun Tzu, who lived from 500 to 320 BC, wrote his sophisticated treatise on philosophy, logistics, espionage, strategy and tactics known as The Art of War. Those of our world's senior military men who have been successful in their dismal profession know this to be true.
Those who have ignored this ancient wisdom are called losers by the rest of our world.
President Obama: Please listen to this advice from these masters of ancient wisdom, and resolve to bring our war in Afghanistan to a speedy conclusion, before our great nation becomes totally bankrupt!
Obama identified as just another lying politician!!
As I recall, Adolf Hitler made similar promises, when he felt the need to appeal to the German voters!
Please click on the heading to visit Scott Card's web site: at Hatrack.com
The West won the World not by the Superiorities of the Ideas or Values
Please keep these inspired words by Samuel P. Huntington in mind, before you sign up to "kill some gooks" or whatever the struggling people of Afghanistan and Pakistan are now called by our men in uniform, before you decide to kill them with one of your rifles, artillery, or even a merciless "predator" plane flying over your battlefield!
An Afghanistan Timeline
The Young British (and American Soldier) on Afghanistan's Plains
Churchill as brutal mass murderer
Top Journalist: "We are intellectual prostitutes"
Click here for Afghanistan timeline of oil and violence
US Aircraft kill 50 to 90 Innocent Civilians near the Kunduz Riverw
Israel to patrol Mediterranean as part of global war on terror??
Nothing we do will compel 125 million Muslims in Pakistan
Obama: Taliban NOT a threat to the United States!!
Beware of our Army's exaggerated enemy casualty reports
Why the Olympics went to Rio
Stupid, Stupid, War
We're neck deep in the big muddy, and the big fool says to push on!
Afghanistan: Haunted by the Ghosts of Vietnam
Even George Will says:Time to get out of Afghanistan!
I Didn't Want to be Part of this Insane Mission!!
Don't Mess with Afghanistan!!!
America's Most Wanted Environmental "Terrorist"
"Quittin" Time in Afghanistan
Up a you Essa, Your Honor!!
The American War in Afghanistan is NOT about oil!
The World is at an important historical Crossroads
Working for World Peace!
Samuel Phillipps Huntington
Mossad-Taliban Whistleblower killed in Pakistan!

US and Pakistan created the "TALIBAN"!

Would only the dirty Japs use torture? We decided they were right!
About one hundred of our "detainees" died while we were holding them. We beat people to death at Bagram Airbase and Abu Graib. Military lawyers told the Bush officials that what they wanted to do would be illegal, inhumane, and immoral.
Now those turds whose ancestors tortured German prisoners of war claim that WE are the "GOOD" guys.
Yeah, Right!
When Pigs Fly: Swine Flu Outbreak a Naturally Occurring Event

America's "War on Terrorism" ?

Now you understand why America is broke, and our people are lining up on bread lines to feed themselves and their families, while our new president is pushing more troops into Afghanistan. CHANGE??? We have seen this shit before. I will grant you that our new president is better than "Nuuqular" W. Bush, but Obama is following the same old line of government deception, creating and expanding a war where there was none, inviting a cultural clash with the entire Islamic world, taking our money, and throwing it away!!
Please check out the book: AMERICA'S "WAR ON TERRORISM" at Amazon.com. New and used books are still available! Educate yourself before it's too late.
US Defence Stocks Surge on Gates' Budget Proposal

Chomsky: NATO Should Immediately Disband!

Lawrence Korb Assures Us 10+ More Years in Afghanistan!

Why Martin Luther King would speak against war in Afghanistan.

Punishing the Torturers: Fake Faith and Epic Crimes!

We have met the enemy, and it is us!

The government accountability office has called on the Obama administration to explain the meaning of "responsible" troop pullout from Iraq. Mr. President, you said last month that most of the 140,000 US combat troops would be withdrawn by the end of August 2010.
Up to 50,000 would remain until the end of 2011, when an agreement between Iraq and the US requires all troops to leave. The logistics of withdrawing tens of thousands of troops within two years and the removal of equipment and material will be a massive and expensive effort. Meanwhile, back in the United States, the voters, many of them now out of work, and thrown out of their homes, who gave you control of our budget, go begging for jobs to feed their hungry families.
Mr. President: This is change we don't want or need!
Iran, US find common ground on Afghanistan

12 Die in Bloody Siege at Pakistan Police Academy

The Latest Horror: "Depressflation"

The Cloward-Piven Strategy and the New World Order


Charles W. ("Chas") Freeman, Jr., born in 1943, was the US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, and president of the Middle East Policy Council. He was educated at Yale and Harvard Law, and he has served our country in Delhi, Taipei, Bangkok and Beijing. He was Ronald Reagan's deputy assistant secretary of state for Africa and Bill Clinton's assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs. George Bush "I" named him ambassador to Saudi Arabia. He was our man in Riyadh when General Norman Schwarzkopf and 500,000 US troops arrived to evict the army of Saddam Hussein from Kuwait. Being an honest as well as an extremely distinguished public servant, he committed the "crime" of saying "NOBODY IS SUFFERING MORE THAN THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE" His other major faux pas was publishing "The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy" by Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, which went on the New York Times best-seller list. This immediately but this wise and distinguished gentleman on AIPAC's "enemies" list, and deprived our great nation of the badly needed services of our most learned and wise elder statesman. Israel Lackeys, GET OUT OF OUR "F'N" Hair, OR Else!!!!
Tit For Tat: Russian Bombers on OUR Doorstep!!

When I served in our US army, most of the troops under my command used to have a saying: "What goes around, comes around!" In other words, "do unto others as you would have them do unto you." Last year, Russia temporarily based a pair of Tu-160 bombers at an airbase in Venezuela in a carefully-choreographed display of force regarded as a warning message to the United States. Each of these strategic bombers is capable of carrying 12 cruise missiles that can be fitted with "nuqular" warheads. To make certain that we got their message, a Russian flotilla led by the "nuqular" powered cruiser Peter the Great also joined Venezuelan vessels for manoeuvers in the Caribbean late last year, timed to coincide with a visit to the region by President Dmitry Medvedev. By comparison with "W", President Obama is fully capable of thinking, and evaluating the consequences of this "friendly" Russian gesture. Mr. President, PLEASE use your fine mind to avoid a, as "W" used to say, "NUUQULAR"war!!!!!!!!!!
Say NO to more troops in Afghanistan!!!

The more troops we send, to be mutilated, or to die in the military morass that is Afghanistan, the more our enemies are going to insist that the desperate peasants of that poor country sacrifice many more of their sons and daughters to counter our escalation. In the end, both sides will lose, and more of our mutilated soldiers will grace the veterans' hospitals in the United States, while more one-legged Afghanis will suffer in the ramshackel huts of the "enemy".
Mr. President, read your bible before you engage in more useless and dangerous folly, and please fire the advisor who got you into this mess. And, for god's sake, and I mean this literally, try making peace for a "change"!
Patrick Buchanan: It's Pitchfork Time!

Beating our Swords into Ploughshares!

Obama has done something right! We shall soon be discussing a US plan to cancel an antimissile system in Europe if Russia helps prevent Iran from developing long-range weapons.
Russia has always suspected that our 10 interceptor missiles in Poland, and a related radar installation in the Czech Republic, was pointed at Russia's strategic capability.
President Medvedev said Moscow shares US concerns about Iran and nuclear proliferation.
More Slaves than at any time in Human History

According to a United Nations report, the number of people living as slaves is greater than at any other time in "human" history. Several million people have now become the victims of slavery each year. Most of them are forced to become prostitutes, others are forced to perform dangerous low-wage jobs, and the many are used as human organ and tissue donors for illegal operations.
Twenty percent of these victims are children! Russia, and other nations within the former Soviet sphere of influence is not only a supplier of these horrible "live goods", but also a trafficker in their Asian sphere of influence!
Leaders of Afghanistan: "We shall NEVER surrender!"

To our Stock Brokers:"Jump, You Fuckers"

Yeah, right! If you believe that, I've got some swamp land in Florida you might want to buy unseen..
Who murdered Osama bin Laden and Benazir Bhutto?

After the Reich: The Brutal History of Allied Occupation

Gruesome Harvest: American Casualties in Iraq

Unfortunately, this is only part of the story, and we continue to slide down a slippery slope. If we continue to stumble along in that politically sensitive region and Pakistan's nuclear weapons fall into the hands of our enemies, who knows what horrors we will then be forced to confront? Check out the January 11, 2009 New York Times story: "The Worst Pakistan Nightmare for Obama" by David E. Sanger about the problems that country has in keeping those nukes out of the hands of Islamic Militants, if you don't mind losing several nights. If you REALLY want to know, click on http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/11/magazine/ Enjoy your sleep tonight!
Shlomo Sand: When and How Were The Jewish People Invented?

Chomsky: No Change Coming With Obama
I believe that both wanted a timetable for the withdrawal of foreign troops: US and others from their respective countries.
As Pervez Hoodbhoy, a well-known physicist pointed out, these kind of massacres will stimulate terror and reactions. Obama probably missed the physics course, where they taught:
"For every action,
there is an equal, and opposite reaction!
US Intelligence Agencies Protect our World from Nuclear War!

On February 25, 2007, Michael Smith (left), and Sarah Baxter broke a story which saved the world from a nuclear holocaust: Some of America's most senior military commanders - four or five generals and admirals would resign if Bush ordered an attack on Iran, a source close to British intelligence said. The US Intelligence community simply did not believe that Iran had an active nuclear weapons program.
In November 2007, all 16 US intelligence agencies produced a National Intelligence Estimate that declared "with high confidence" that Iran had suspended any such program as of 2003. Dick Chaney's office tried to suppress that report and with George Bush told the chagrined Israeli government he would ignore it.
You and I, and the rest of the world owe these intelligence agencies and the high-ranking officers involved, a debt which we can never repay.
Black Death Kills al-Qaeda Operatives in Algeria

Olmert Humiliates George W. Bush

Israeli Assault Injures1.5 Million Gazans

Obama: The Postmodern Coup - The Making of a Manchurian Candidate

Please Secure Ceasefire Say UN Gaza Officials to Ban!

A senior United Nations official in Gaza warned today that "tragically the horror continues" with 19 children reported killed and 52 injured in just the last 24 hours of Israel-Hamas fighting, even as Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon briefed the Security Council on his upcoming trip to the region to speed up the diplomatic efforts for a ceasefire.
"For the Secretary-General our message will be as it has been consistently: Please, we have to get an end to the fighting, nowhere in Gaza is safe, the situation here is horrific for everybody," the Gaza Director of Operations of the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), John Ging, told a news conference in New York, speaking by video link from ground zero.
US Bunker-Buster Penetrates 20 Feet of Reinforced Concrete

United States sends 3,000 Tons of "Ammunition" to Israel

Stalingrad Revisited: Our Goals are near, says Israeli PM

Vatican Cardinal Renato Martino:Gaza Like Nazi Death Camp!

Listen to the Anguish of the Children and their Parents
Is Peace at Hand?

An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind

Now it is the Americans who Live in Infamy!

Israel Fires White Phosphorous Shells into Gaza

Now it is the Gaza Ghetto in which terror reigns

Israel's Friends must say 'STOP'

Nevertheless, he warns: "If Israel launched air strikes against groups preparing to fire missiles, this would be entirely covered by the international law on self-defense. The problem is that Israel's response consistently reaches beyond Hamas's leadership group and affects the entire civilian population. It is a wholly disproportionate response.
The picture shows the beautiful Rachel Corrie, after she was killed by an Israeli bulldozer, whose operator had plenty of time to consider his very own, very carefully considered disproportionate response.
What does that say about Israeli morality?