
Our doubtful "Ally's" Lies !

Five weeks after the war in the Caucasus, the mood is shifting against Georgian President Saakashvili. Some Western intelligence reports have undermined Tblisi's version of events, and there are now calls on both sides of the Atlantic for an independent investigation.
As one of my friends told me: "If you go to bed with dogs, you get fleas."
Unfortunately, Republican presidential candidate John McCain, whom I will be voting for in the upcoming national election, had declared "Today, we are all Georgians!" without checking the facts in this case. John, if you really want my vote, check your facts, before you get us all into a "Nuqular" war, as your buddy Bush likes to mispronounce it. Do some homework, and don't go half-cocked any more.
Thanks, Wolfgang
Advisory Team Leader
Republic of Vietnam

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