
History Repeats Itself: Read about the German Peasant Wars!

History, as I mentioned in my title, does Indeed Repeat Itself: The German Peasant War - Bauernkrieg in German, began in 1524, in Southern Germany, Thueringen, Austria and Switzerland. In Schwaben, Saxony and Tirol, these attempts to fight for human rights were ruthlessly suppressed, but they were the harbingers of freedom in Hungary, England, and Switzerland. The most noteworthy information about these wars for freedom was their documentation by Historian Wilhelm Zimmermann, (1524-26) in his book on the history of these World-changing events. He documents the fact that these uprisings were not limited to the German peasants. The Aristocrats in these countries were not at all interested in the well-being of their citizens, like our rulers today. Thus, in our times, the uprising that began in Wisconsin is beginning to spread in Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio. Perhaps because of the unwillingness of Governor Scott Walker to negotiate, despite a ton of concessions, including using up more of workers' wages for pension costs and upping their health insurance payments. According to the New York Times, his true priority is stripping workers of collective-bargaining rights and reducing their unions to a shell. The unions would no longer be able to raise money to oppose him, as they did in last year's election, easing the way for future Republicans as well. The game is up, when unionized state workers demonstrate a sense of shared sacrifice, but Republican lawmakers won't even allow them a seat at the table. For unions and Democrats in the Midwest, this is an existential struggle, and it is one worth waging.

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