
Libya: Each Death, Each Bomb by NATO will Assure Their Defeat!

Don't those associated with NATO realize that the more people they kill in Libya, the more damage that they do, the less likely they are to come out of this horror of their creation. The aggression against Libya now only means "saving face". If you count the massive war crimes they have committed against Libya, "saving face" is now totally out of the question: Having been defeated in in Zlintan, in another act of obvious cowardly desperation, NATO trash and garbage bombed a children's hospital, killing at least 50 children, but they have also deprived countless children of receiving needed medical care. Considering their daily attacks on medical targets, that number will be extremely high. In view of their daily bombing, there is no room to claim that NATO is saving "civilian lives". Right now, Libyans are voting by the millions to thwart Obama's desire to grasp the oil which he wanted to give to American and European corporations, in order to deprive the Libyan people of their resources in favor of powerful multinational corporations. The bottom line for NATO is that their corporate stooges no longer control Benghazi. The cowardly leaders of their so-called government has fled a long time ago, retreating rapidly while the "getting is good". Now, the so-called "leaders" of their "government" are reputed to be hiding in Turkey, while the end of this horrible war, stoked by the greed of NATO governments, continues unabated!

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