
Ghazala Awan: The Real Worth of Gaddafi!!!

History is merely a silent witness who records without speaking, unless you know the answer it has. After several generations, even the obvious truth begins to unfold. Therefore, if you really look, the truth actually begins to unfold: Somewhere down the road, we, and his tortured people know the real worth of Gaddafi. At times, the Human race is not only ungrateful, but often quite arrogant. Within the extremities of tyranny and benevolence lies the actual balance that few mortals can find. When King Idrees was deposed, the Libyans heaved a sign of relief, and Gaddafi was hailed a savior and hero by the Libyan people. He was merely a young Captain who promoted himself to be a Colonel, and he retained that rank until his death. Initially, he was quite welcome, and the young Captain who had promoted himself to be a Colonel was celebrated as a savior and hero of the Libyan people. Initially, he was not only most welcome, but even celebrated in the entire Muslim World, especially by the youth. With the passage of time, when he became intoxi -cated with power, he began to lose his balance. Although he kept the welfare projects moving, rewarding the Libyans, but became intolerant to any criticism. His most daring decision was that he did not permit the west to meddle in his internal affairs, was supportive of the Palestinian cause, and did not favor those Muslim rulers who were toeing the American line. History is a silent witness that records without speaking. After several generations, when the truth starts to unfold, even those who did not agree with him, will know the real worth of Gaddafi.

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