
Rev.Ted Pike: ADL Losing Hate Law Support in Europe!

Cooperation by European governments with the Anti-Defamation League's hate law agenda continues to plummet. Only four nations reported hate crimes statistics this year, out of ADL's 56-member hate crimes bureaucracy, the (OSCE)-Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe ADL's 56-member hate-crimes bureaucracy, Abe Foxman laments: Seven years ago in Berlin, the OSCE countries pledged with great urgency to gather data on anti-Semitic crimes, yet only four of those governments have produced information on incidents for the OSCE annual report. Without this basic monitoring, how can any government demonstrate that they are serious about addressing it? When OSCE was created in 2004, Jewish supremacism was on a roll of hate law prosecutions (witchcraft), especially in Canada. It was aggressively laying the groundwork for extradition of "anti-Semites" and holocaust questioners. Revisionist historians Germar Rudolph and Ernst Zundel were both seized in America and sentenced to long prison terms in Germany for speech crimes. British historian David Irving was imprisoned in Austria. ADL/B'rith's goal was a hate law tidal wave that would flood the world's governments with Canadian-style restrictions on free speech, ultimately criminalizing "homophobic," "anti-Semitic" Christians and critics of Israel. Today the hate laws passed by ADL/B'nai B'rith in western nations still reverberate with the clank of prison bars in horrendous violations of free speech rights, yet the diminishing cooperation from the once mighty OSCE reveals a trend. Many governments are becoming disillusioned by the reality of hate laws. Major prosecutions of dissenters linger agonizingly, but Canada's indictments of "haters" have slowed significantly. The head of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal stunned Canadian Jewish leaders two years ago, by ruling Canada's internet hate laws are unconstitutional.

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